Since I didn't posted for quite a bit in my blog, I thought maybe it's time for another post, since I've been pretty busy on many fronts.
First thing, I'm (finally) almost done with this China project, and this was a right pain (for a pretty nice result have to admit). There was a one last bug and I hope the last update will finally tick if off. The result of this update will certainly bring another blog post, but since I don't know yet I'll shut up in the mean time ;)
On other parts, I'm working a lot on reworking my demo tool user interface. I don't want to rewrite from scratch, since I believe it's a bad idea in many cases, but want to shift a bit and try something new.
Main thing, is, at the end of the day, people use a software, so the ui design/functionalities comes as a first. As system programmers, we often will write a kick ass runtime, but forget the utter basics of useability (a basic usability function might come very late in the pipeline because we found this new super fast code generation technique and focused there instead of any ui part).
This is of course even more apparent when you work with small teams (I mean, under 20 people). In my case and my tool I'm one developer, which also have to do projects for a living, so I can't even dedicate 10% of my full time on this.
So instead, I started to think of it in reverse, eg: this is what I need for my tool:
- Patch interface
- Code editor
- Dock panel (since I want to organize my layout)
- Node lister
- Informative elements (logger/project explorer/compilation error report...)
So now the concept is to build the main User Interface without any runtime in there.
By then you might argue that building a shell without any features is at best useless, and by trying it now, I would disagree:
- By using a ui without being distracted by any fancy looking visual you create, you start to really focus on ui. For example, you will immediately notice you'd like a dock, better undo function, that your ui is not smooth (no reference to 4v here ;) .
- Since I know how to implement decently good graphics (still need to improve on that area for sure as well ;), The way I implement a particle system (as example) does not matter at this stage. And actually by thinking of this particle system I will see how the user interface can support the feature. Already having this particle system hinders that fact.
- You WILL modify your user interface to correlate with your runtime (and modify you runtime too, softwares are constantly modified as a fact), but at least by working on UI first, you'll make sure that a rather decent amount of usability features are present and you software is not a bulk of unusable functions.
- People want to use a software, so working on mockup also allows me to show a proper designer/ui specialist the concepts, and get insights (and programmers should never have the last word on ui design, another fact). What is convenient is what the user finds convenient, not your opinion as a programmer. Having well designed mockups also allows me to send a template find to a friend which will help building a nice menu order, shortcut list. While I delegate that, I suddenly have much more available time to build the core runtime.
So now when you build UI, you're overbloated with APIs, and it's hard to make a choice.
Since I don't plan to port my tool to whatever Android/Mac... (and anyway, as above, if you don't have a team of 20+ programmers or open source your program, don't even remotely think about multiplatform), I have the following choices (which can of course being mixed up, but single API streamlines things a tad).
- Windows forms: The old good one, integrates super easily with Direct3D, simple to learn, can be extreme clunky and an absolute pain to do theming. Code editors/Dockers already available, good graph component for now I rolled my own (in D2D)
- Direct2d : Great for building graph and other custom widgets,very good text/strokes rendering, quite fast in general, but complex layouts with d2d on it's own will be for sure cumbersome (not speaking of building a code editor with syntax coloring and other nitfy features).
- Wpf: Most balanced of all, text can be blurry at times still, but good at shapes, code editor+docker also available, Direct3d integration reasonably easy, but such an overdesigned api that it's really daunting (for writing 2 crappy forms it's more or less ok, but decent builders become much more cumbersome). Theming is not too hard but also badly streamlined.
- Direct3d : Same as Direct2d, but you have to do all yourself ;) You could really start to build proper gpu UI, and start to rethink data structures but it's a hell of work. If you'd need intermediate texture integration in your canvas, that will rock performances compared to anything else tho.
So here we go for now, some more info soon ))